This week I traveled to Sofia the capital of Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a large Eastern European country to the east of Serbia. I drove there with some friends, and it took close to 6 hours. Do you like long car rides? I do! I like when I get to read and sleep.
I have traveled to four other countries on my journey so far - Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, and Albania! Here is a photo from my weekend trip in Albania, where I visited the mountainous town of Kruyë. This is a photo of the Kruyë Castle.
On my travels to Tirana, the capital of Albania, I visited the "House of Leaves" museum. It tells the story of how the country was once controlled by a secret police force called the "Sigurimi" when Albania was a Communist country. These secret police would spy on people, listen to their conversations, and even watch them through cameras. The museum shows how many Albanians lived in fear and helps explain the importance of protecting our rights today.