Ikebana Flowers

Where does it live?:

I learned that the flower is more common than I'd thought. Research revealed that it was originally found in India, but it can also be found in tropical areas all over the world, especially in Southeast Asia, Western Africa, and South America.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

This flower needs lots of sunlight and warm temperatures. While other flowers might wilt under direct sunlight, the crested cockscomb loves it.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

The plant doesn't do well with cold temperatures, which is why it can be found thriving in tropical areas. Otherwise, it is a very strong plant and does not need much care as long as it has plenty of sunlight and the soil is not over-watered. It almost went extinct by the time it was discovered, but the species was saved when it began to be used for decoration by Burmese, Chinese, and Indian farmers.

Ota City, Tokyo
