My family is very spread out around Israel and the globe; I have family is every major city in Israel and some in small villages in the north. Of course, I regularly travel to these places, but I also often travel to the United States to visit my sister, her family and my father. They live in Miami, Florida and San Francisco, California. Outside of that, it is traditional for people to travel for a while after they finish their mandatory service in the Israeli military. After finishing my service earlier this year, I backpacked around Europe by myself. I visited a dozen countries and I cannot wait to return to see more!
I was previously in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) as a medic. A "medic" is someone who is trained to provide medical support to people who need it but may not be close to a hospital. I continue to work as a medic, but I am no longer with the IDF because I completed my three-year-service earlier this year. I work as a medic with special tour groups that come to visit Israel. I have a lot of fun getting to know the people that join the tour groups, but also enjoy by practicing medicine. It was always a passion of mine since I was young, but it is extremely hard to become a full-fledged doctor in Israel, so I am happy to still practice medicine and to continue learning more about it. I look forward to become a legitimate doctor in the near future!