Climate Change in La Paz

Why does the community have this need?:

The case of the Quetzal and Toucan is just one example of the many ways in which the ecosystem of La Paz has changed as a result of climate change and rising temperatures. La Paz, of course, is not alone in facing this issue. Countries across the globe are reporting similar, oftentimes even more pressing, issues that have come as a result of climate change.

The warming of the planet has had its impact all over the world. However, it tends to do more damage to low-income countries and communities that don’t have the means to deal with the impacts. 

Is this need being met? How?:

Thanks to initiatives from community groups, like the Association of Ecotourism, there is a strong awareness on how climate change has impacted La Paz. This has inspired tons of people to take action, doing whatever they can to protect the town’s wildlife.

For instance, one member of the community began building man-made trees that provide a nesting area for Quetzals. These birds typically like to inhabit deep holes in trees which provide them both with a place to lay their eggs and shelter from predators. By increasing the amount of available shelter for Quetzals, he hopes to help shield them from Toucan attacks.

While La Paz may not be a wealthy community, the dedication from community members shows that collective effort can address climate change effectively. This proactive approach gives everyone hope that La Paz can continue to adapt and protect its ecosystem for future generations.
