Nature News

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

The coolest thing we saw this week was a huge whale. We initially thought it was maybe just a really large dolphin until it came really close. It swam around the boat for 10 minutes or so before it dove and disappeared. Watching something so big and peaceful swim nearby was an amazing experience and something that is very rare to experience. Unfortunately, the bad weather meant we couldn’t get in to swim with it, but it was still an amazing sight.

Other Nature News from this week:

Being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean means that there is no light pollution at all in the air. This means that each day we get amazing sunrises and sunsets before spending the night with a beautiful sky to watch, especially when it’s clear. We’ve seen more stars then you can count and can clearly see some planets and lots of shooting stars. We’re really lucky to see the sky so clearly! We’ve also been “attacked” by flying fish, including at one point finding one that had somehow managed to get into a sleeping compartment during the night. We found it wiggling around on someone’s bed! That was a surprise!
