People who live in Paraguay get to enjoy the fresh fruit and abundance of water that the country has to offer. But at the same time, people also struggle with the fact that there are dangerous insects and mosquitoes that can carry diseases. One of the major concerns in the country right now is dengue. Dengue is an illness that comes from mosquitoes. If a mosquito with dengue bites you, you become infected with the virus. Many people have fallen ill this year, particularly in January. This is because there has been a lot of rain, recently, and mosquitoes like the rain. They will lay their eggs in still water that collects in old tires or old bottles and bottle caps. Particularly in Asunción, the capital, there have been many people who have fallen sick this year because the city does not have a good waste and recycling system. Garbage found in the street means that the mosquitos have many places to lay their eggs and thereby spread the disease.
People have been adapting to their environment and the threat of dengue, for example, by using lots of bug spray and being cautious about when they are outside. There have been new approaches to getting rid of mosquitoes around the home or at work by spraying the space with chemicals to reduce the number of these bugs. At the same time, people are trying to do a better job of cleaning their house and keeping the water from collecting in pools and puddles. While this can be tricky, given that there are lots of rainstorms here, this will help reduce the number of places for the bugs to lay their eggs.