Language lesson! Crepe is the French word for pancake. Crepes were originally called galettes, which was a more descriptive term for flat cakes. Crepes were first created in the northwest region of France called Brittany or Breton, as it is known in French.
There are two different types of crepes you can try, either savory or sweet! I prefer my crepes with nutella, which means I like them sweet. However, crepes can be more than just a dessert or a really yummy breakfast. The savory crepes contain food such as protein and vegetables and they are made with an unsweetened flour.
Personally, I think crepes are delicious! I first tried them in high school with my French teacher. She brought in a crepe maker and we learned how to make them by ourselves. I do have to admit that the crepes I have had in France are nothing like the crepes I made in class— they are MUCH better here in France! The sweet crepes are a wonderful dessert!
Crepes are made by using either a frying pan or a special circular hot plate. You begin by adding a little butter or oil so that the crepe does not stick to the pan. Then, using a liquid batter of flour, sugar, salt, milk, eggs, and butter, the batter is spread evenly across the pan/plate, creating a thin layer.