Our News

What did I read this week?:

While I haven't read a book in a while, I have been reading a lot of articles and papers for work and for my college courses! Recently, I read an article about some insights from science communication research, which is research that draws on work in the fields of communication, journalism and a variety of other science-based fields. Science communication researchers and communicators hope to improve their approach to communicating science to a variety of different audiences based on the work, models and theories that scientists study and develop. It's a very complex topic, but I recommend looking more into the field if you are interested in science, communication, and even NASA. 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

A game I've been playing this week and most recently is a mobile app. game called Pokemon Go! Some people I met in Tokyo recommended the game to me, and I've been playing it since. The AR mobile game tracks the phone's GPS to locate and capture Pokemon and keeps track of the user's steps and real location as a way to update your level and other in-game features! I've been using the game as a walking tracker, and it has been pretty fun so far!

Other news from this week:

The weather has been getting warmer and warmer these days! Looks like spring is on its way to Tokyo!
