The main languages spoken here is Spanish. Everyone in Madrid speaks Spanish, and it is the language most commonly used. I'm Salvadoran, so I can speak Spanish. However, the Spanish used in Spain is español castellano. The term castellano refers to the variety of Spanish that originated in the Castile region of Spain. It is now used to describe the standardized version of Spanish spoken in Spain and most of Latin America. When I first got to Spain, I was surprised to learn that at markets and resturarants when asked if I want to pay cash or card, cash is refererd to as effectivo, and people ask tarjeta o effectivo? to ask if you'll be paying cash or card. Another commonly used word here is vale, which is used to say "okay". Vale is a word that is so frequently used here, the same way "yes" or "okay" is used back home! Antoher word is flipar, or flipa, which is used to show excitement! It's been very cool learning the everyday words that locals use here in Madrid.