Comida Española! (Spanish Food!)


Hi all,

I'm excited to share a bit about food in Madrid with you. Food is one of my favorite ways of connecting to the culture in Spain...and the food here is so good!

First, let's chat about mealtimes and typical foods. Mealtimes in Spain are a little bit different than in America. While we usually have just breakfast, lunch, dinner, and maybe a snack in the U.S., in Spain it's normal to eat five times a day. The Spanish meal schedule usually goes like this:

Desayuno (Breakfast): 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. This usually consists of a café con leche (espresso with milk) and a small pastry.

Almuerzo (Second breakfast): 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. This is usually something a bit heartier, often an orange juice and a bocadillo (a sandwich on a baguette) or a piece of toast with tomato. Another common food is tortilla, which is a kind of omelet with onions served cold. My favorite breakfast in Spain is churros, thin fried pieces of dough commonly served alongside a rich chocolate sauce. 

La Comida (Lunch, literally "the food"): 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is the biggest meal of the day and often eaten either at home during a lunch break (or in the case of students, after school) or at a restaurant.
