The LGBTQ+ Community in Madrid

Why does the community have this need?:

Virginia Hernández Gómez, an activist from the LGBTQ+ rights group Fundación Triángulo, said of this most recent Pride, “For the first time in a very long time, we felt that Pride was not about demanding more rights. Instead, it was about demanding that the rights we have not be taken away." So, one of the LGBTQ+ community's biggest needs right now is an increase in public support and for LGBTQ+ allies to help advocate for the community.

Is this need being met? How?:

Yes and no! There's a lot of vocal support right now for the LGBTQ+ community in Madrid. However, in 2021, they had one of the largest anti-LGBTQ+ protests in Madrid's recent history. But, since then, the LGBTQ+ community and their allies have stepped up to hold rallies and advocate for their rights, and show support for pro-LGBTQ+ parties in the recent elections.

Madrid, Spain
Location Data:
POINT (-3.7037902 40.4167754)
