It has been a busy few weeks, and winter is finally here! I cannot believe it is going to get even colder than it already is.

My name is Maggie, and I'll be teaching English in Mongolia this year. I can't wait to share this amazing, beautiful country with you all!
It has been a busy few weeks, and winter is finally here! I cannot believe it is going to get even colder than it already is.
Thank you all so much! I wish you all the best of luck in your futures--never stop asking questions and trying to learn about the world around you. You are such an impressive and enthusiastic group!
Mongolian kids live quite interesting lives and often spend their childhood summers in the countryside with their families. Many Mongolian kids want to travel abroad for college.
I was able to have many Thanksgiving celebrations this year! I had dinner with friends on Thursday, a potluck on Friday and two different celebrations in different classes! How did you celebrate?