Aron: Sometimes I go to Grandma's house, and sometimes I stay at home. Sometimes I go to play to with friends. I like to swim or watch TV.
Who is your favorite famous person?: Kristrún: Elsa! [from Frozen]
Aron: I like Unspeakable. [a YouTuber]
What kinds of music do you listen to?: Kristrún: Hard rock!
Aron: "It's raining tacos!" [a YouTube song]
What would you like to be when you grow up?: Kristrún: I want to be a kindergarten teacher.
Aron: I'd like being a cop.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Kristrún: Útlanda (OOT-land-a)! ["abroad"; the word refers to anywhere outside of Iceland]
Aron: I would go to Reykjavík [Iceland's capital].
What do you know or think about the United States?: Kristrún: I don't know anything.
Aron: Me neither.
What questions do you have for kids in the United States?:
- How many schools are in your town?
- How often do you go to the mountains?
- Are there poor people there?
- What is your favorite dinosaur? Favorite food? Favorite color?
- What do you like on your waffles?
- What do you think about bees?
- How many moons do you have?
Ísafjörður, Iceland
Location Data:
POINT (-23.1250684 66.074878)