In this article, you will get to learn fun facts about my host mom Maria, such as where she lives, her family, and her favorite things to do. She also talks about what it's like to be a registered nurse and work at a hospital.
Her full name is Maria Bogaru.
She was born in Romania, which is located in Europe. She then moved to Canada to live there for a couple of years before moving back to Europe to live in her current place, which is St. Prex, Switzerland. She lives in a duplex, which is made up of several apartments. The apartment, which is also my home, is very comfortable and cozy! There is a small kitchen, living room, bathroom and my room on the first floor. Once you go up the small flight of stairs, you will find two bedrooms and a bathroom, where the rest of my host family lives.
Maria's family consists of herself, her husband Dan, and two sons (Luca who is 14 and George who is 21). Her family just got bigger as now I am a part of it during my stay here in Switzerland!