Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia, and it's most Mongolians’ first language. In school, students study English and Russian, and recently Mandarin Chinese has become popular too!
Tugrugs are used here. Mongolians use only paper money, no coins!
A bottle of water costs about 31 cents or 1000 tugrugs.
A strawberry smoothie! UB is a much bigger city than Khovd. About 1.5 million people live in the city, which is half of Mongolia’s population! Because it’s big, it’s easier to get fresh vegetables and fruits from other countries even in the winter. And there are lots of fun cafes to go to!
I’ve been listening to a lot of Mongolian pop music, but did you know that hip-hop and rap are super popular in Mongolia?
I went to a Mongolian movie called Khiimori, or “Wind Horse.” Wind horses are a sacred symbol in Mongolia that bestow good-fortune on those who see them. The movie is about a horse and a boy who get separated, and the journey they take to reunite.