Meet Hakima!

What is your family like?:

Hakima's family consists of five people, including her parents, herself (she is the oldest of all of her siblings) and two younger brothers. One of them is just 15 years old and the other one is only ten years old. Hakima went on to mention that even though they are a pretty small family, her house is always filled with noise and play flights between her and her little brothers. She is very happy and loves all of them very much. 

How do you get around?:

Hakima mentioned that she always takes the bus to go to the university or when she has to travel somewhere outside of town. However, when she misses the bus or has an exam, her father takes her to her destination in their family car. When they travel as a family, they usually take the car, as it is more comfortable. When she needs to run errands in her own town, though, she always walks,  because the town is so small that everything is within walking distance and very close to her apartment. 

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

On a day-to-day basis, Hakima usually wears something that is very comfortable but classic at the same time. She likes to wear suits or something casual to attend college or when she is hanging out with friends. But it all depends on her mood and how she's feeling on a particular day. For example, if she is feeling lazy or has a long day at the university, she usually wears a tracksuit or sweats. Even while she's dressing comfortably, though, she tries to stay somewhat fancy. She also said that she likes to wear traditional Moroccan clothes, which she usually wears when there's a holiday or when it's her birthday.
