Meet Hakima!

What do you like to do in your free time?:

During her free time, Hakima loves to read. She uses every free moment of the day to read, such as while she is riding the bus. She also loves to walk to a park very close to her apartment and read. Hakima also likes to write about and reflect on whatever she finds interesting in her journal. In her free time, she also like to go for a run,  Hakima loves running, but if she would had to choose between running or reading, she would definitely choose reading. Hakima also likes to draw, especially drawing mandalas because she finds this a very relaxing activity. Last but not least, she loves to spend time with her family and friends, even though it's hard to find the time since she is busy all the time....  she mentioned that sometimes she feels like she is living in college and visiting her house!

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

Hakima is fluent in three languages, Catalan, Spanish and Arabic (Darija). Plus, Hakima is currently working on learning a fourth language, and that's English! It's still a very new language for her, but she thinks she has a very solid base.

Hello in Arabic (Darija) : Assalamu-Alikum or السلام عليكم 

Do you have pets?:

Hakima does not have any pets at the moment, but she mentioned that if she were to have a pet, she would like to have a dog and name her "Sushi" because she loves sushi.

While I was interviewing Hakima, she made the following comment, and I thought it would be funny to include it! These are Hakima's own words:

"Do my brothers count? Just kidding, don't put that in your article. I don't have pets, Jiji."
