Meet the Velella!


The nature here in Tarragona, Spain, is diverse and captivating, found within a mixture of coastal, mountainous and forested landscapes. Spring comes to Tarragona in the months of March through May, as the temeperature gradually rises from mild to warm. In March, daytime highs typically range from 15°C to 18°C (59°F to 64°F) while by May, they can typically reach 20°C to 24°C (68°F to 75°F). Spring usually features moderate rainfall, with occasional showers. March is usually the wettest month, and by May, the frequency of rain decreases. Spring is marked by the blossoming flowers and lush greenery. Wildflowers bloom all around the town, and gardens and parks are vibrant with color. Bird activity also increases, especially in areas like the Delta de I'Ebre Natural Park. By the end of May, the temperature finally range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F), making it the perfect weather to enjoy the beach. By this time the Mediterranean Sea is warm and inviting, ideal for swimming, snorkeling and other water activities.


What does this creature or plant look like?:

Whlie walking one the beach one day, my friend and I came across some beautiful blue creatures that look some what similar to a jellyfish lying along the shoreline. After doing some research, my friend and I discovered that this creature is called the valella, commonly known as "by-the-wind sailor".
