Meet the Velella!

Finally, the velella adapt to the ocean currents. By drifting with the ocean currents, velella can travel long distances, finding new feeding grounds and spreading their population over vast areas. This passive movement helps them exploit different parts of the ocean for resources.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Several factors and threats can harm the velella, impacting their survival and population dynamics, including environmental changes. Changes in the temperature, salinity and currents can affect the velella's distribution and abundance. Predation is also another factor, Valella are preyed upon by various marine predators, including species such as fish, sea turtles and seabirds. Climate-change related impacts, such as ocean acidification, sea level rise and extreme weather events can also pose significant threats to velella. Changes in the ocean chemistry and temperature may disrupt their food sources, reproduction cylces and overall survival.

Tarragona, Spain
