Senegal has two seasons: the rainy season from June to September, and the dry season from October to May. Every day this week was super sunny and dry, and the daytime temperature was between 90 and 95 degrees fahrenheit. This is super hot weather, so most people rest between 1 and 4pm to stay cool. The nighttime temperature is between 66 and 70 degrees, and I use a fan to stay cool. Since there are very few clouds, I get to watch the stars in the sky!
I saw so many animals this week! Unlike in the United States where animals are kept in fenced fields, Senegalese animals roam free and it's common to see cows crossing the road! I saw cows, chickens, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, lizards and many species of birds. In Ndiaganiao, donkeys and horses pull carts that transport goods and people, and are more common than cars!