Since I arrived at Notre Dame Seishin Sister Miyake has been nothing but helpful. The first day I was here she was extremely strict with me, and I thought to myself: "This is going to be a long year!" I quickly realized she was just laying the ground rules. Since that day she has been very positive, and always asks me if I'm doing well and if the students are enjoying my classes. In addition to being a nun at Notre Dame Seishin, she is also the principal of the high school. Although she does a lot, she is extremely easy-going and great to talk to.
"My name is 雅子三宅.” This is pronounced: "Miyake Masako." In Japanese culture, you always say your family name first, so her first name is Masako, and her last name is Miyake.
"I live in the convent on our campus here at Notre Dame Seishin. It is simple living, there is one television and many nuns who live there." The convent on our campus is located behind the chapel on campus, and the sisters tell me that there are 13 of them who live there. However, many of them are bed-ridden and do not come outside often.