Our News

What activity was the most fun this week?:

This week I have been taking my puppy (Oso) on a lot of sunset walks to try to stay out of the heat. It has been very fun and relaxing.

What did I read this week?:

This week I began reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week I have been running a lot and going to the gym. I plan on joining a volleyball team later in the summer.

Other news from this week:

I adopted two kittens! Every day, I walk down the same stretch of the river, and today, two kittens were crying on the side of the road. They continued to follow us, and were clearly too small to survive without food, and especially water, in this heat. I took my dog home, and returned an hour later with my backpack; I stuffed them in and brought them back to my house!
