There is one piece of nature that has caught my eye over the past two months. This is the Salix Babylonica, or more commonly known as the weeping willow. Now a popular tree seen around the world, the Weeping willow originally comes from Northeast China.
The tree is popular for its drowsy yet majestic appearance and almost surreal form. It also has provided a lot of remedies to human ailments over the centuries. This natural wonder is still helping mankind in ways we are still discovering.
Over the course of this field note, I’m going to describe the appearance, history and a few fun facts about the beautiful tree.
This tree is magnificently large, standing at a whopping 60-80 feet. It is also typically lime green and has far-reaching branches that droop to its side. This drooping appearance gives it its signature weeping look. Sometimes the leaves can be dark green, depending on the type of willow tree and regions it’s located in. Some of it’s less attractive features are the bark color, which is a brownish gray.