Like the fifty United States, Lesotho is divided into ten districts. But unlike the U.S., these districts are all connected by one main road. Most people do not own their own cars, so everyone uses taxis to travel between districts and even between villages. By "taxi," I mean a big van that can fit 12 to 15 people.
People usually ride the big vans to get from one place to another, but these taxis can be very expensive. To avoid this, some people walk up to five miles to get to a school or clinic. Others who own donkeys and horses ride those to get around. Still others may transport heavy things on foot. While some people own cars, most don't, especially those living in villages like mine. In towns and the capital city of Maseru (mah-SAY-roo), there are small cars called "4+1s" that you can use to get around town. However, outside of the big towns, your only option is a taxi.
I enjoy walking short distances sometimes, such as to school and the two miles to town. But it gets so hot during the summer that even short trips can be uncomfortable. I generally take taxis to other districts as well as for other long distance trips.
Taxis are always absolutely packed full of people, and you get really squished.