Because Lesotho is at such a high altitude, a lot of the really cool animals you might think of when you think of Africa, such as lions, elephants and giraffes, cannot live here. We still have some eye-catching animals that live here, though, like masked weaver birds. They make really sturdy nests out of woven straw that look like little bubbles on tree branches.
Male masked weavers are bright yellow, with reddish heads and a black spot on their faces that looks like a mask. The females are a little more muted in color, but they still have distinctive dark faces and bright red eyes like the males. These birds are very beautiful but difficult to capture on camera, so I asked my friend Sam, a volunteer and photographer, to snap some pictures for me.
I love seeing these birds. A lot of them lived in the village in which I trained, and they were so pretty! It was absolutely amazing to watch them build their little nests.