This field note will cover the daily life of Señora Maria, the secretary in the Departamento de Protección del Patrimonio Cultural (DPPC) at the Oficinas de Museo Nacional (Department of Protection of Patrimonial Culture). The answers will be given in the first person and in English, however, the information comes from Mrs. Marie, not me.
María de los Angeles Parra Campos
I live in San Pedro, close to the Mercedes neighborhood. This puts me within a five-minute walk from the University of Costa Rica!
My house is very comfortable and cozy! Much like the rest of the houses around here, I have a front gate that separates my house from the street and opens to a little courtyard area with some grass and plants. The house is one story and all tile, which makes it a lot easier to sweep up the volcanic dust that always settles. There are two bedrooms, an open living room and kitchen and one full bathroom. We also have a mudroom in the back where we hang our laundry and store our things. It is not a large place, but it is perfect for my family.