The official language of Iceland is Icelandic and is spoken the most here. The language that is spoken second most often here is English. English is commonly used to communicate with tourists from all over the world that don't speak Icelandic.
The type of money used here is the Icelandic krona. When in Iceland, though, it is not necessary to get cash in the local currency because all stores, restaurants and businesses use card readers and tap service so that you can pay without cash.
I'm not sure how much a bottle of water costs in Iceland. This is because the tap water is very clean in Iceland. There is no need to buy water when going out because all bakeries and restaurants have free water pitchers available to refill your reusable water bottle.
The best meal I've had recently was a Icelandic seafood soup. The soup contained Arctic char (a kind of fish), prawns (shrimp), and mussels in it.
I have been listening to an Icelandic artist named Pálmi Gunnarsson. My favorite song I have been listening to is "Porparinn". The first time I heard the song being played was by a live band at a restaurant I went to in Ísafjörður, Iceland.