I can't complain, because at least it is warming up, but the weather has certainly been inconsistent! It had gotten very warm, and then it turned very cold. Now it is mild. I can't wait for the spring weather to finally find its way to Maryland and stick around!
My boss says that in Tokyo, it has been fairly warm compared to here! Where he is, it's usually around 60 to 65 degrees, with clear skies. That's warmer than here! I'm a bit jealous.
My apartment has a backyard that leads to woods, and I sit out there sometimes to do my work when the weather is nice. While I am out there, I see lots of animals!
This week, I saw a family of deer with whom I am familiar because they come here often. I also saw a rabbit hopping around and a few squirrels. I like to joke with friends that my backyard is a zoo!
Fun fact: in Japanese, the word for deer is shika, rabbit is usagi, and squirrel is risu!