The food culture in Malaysia is unlike that in the U.S. One clear distinction is the amount of spice added to food. The food in Malaysia is a perfect kind of spicy. You can still taste the flavor of what you're eating without feeling uncomfortable. It's not that the food in the U.S. isn't flavorful, but rather that there isn't as much variation in taste. In my opinion, every spoonful of most things I eat tastes the same. Eating in Malaysia has been a real treat because the flavors are varied and intense.
One flavor or taste I don't ever expect to experience when eating is bitterness. Bitter food makes me feel bitter. How can I enjoy my food if there is a bitter taste in my mouth? I found out the hard way.
This week, I stepped out of my comfort zone once again and tried peria katak, or a bitter gourd. It looks like a cucumber, but it's much more bumpy and wrinkly. It has a few health benefits, such as helping to reduce blood sugar and lower cholesterol. Eating it was an interesting experience. I hardly ever eat anything bitter, but this time I thought "why not?" and gave it a try.