The environment plays an important role to the lives of many Malaysians. Over 50% of the land in Malaysia is forested. For comparison, only 33% of the land in the U.S. is forested. There are many efforts by the government and non-profit organizations to protect the environment at all costs. We are all inhabitants of an ecosystem and must learn to adapt and preserve it. How are you working to protect your environment?
The weather is what makes the enviornment in Malaysia special. Unlike the U.S., Malaysia does not have four seasons. Instead there are just two seasons: dry and rainy. On the east coast, where Perlis is located, the dry season extends from November to March, while the rainy season takes place from April to October. We are currently in the middle of the rainy season, and it has rained almost every day this week!
The rainy season is crucial to the livlihood of people living in rural parts of Malaysia. People living in rural areas rely on their crops to eat and make a living. When the rainy season arrives, it provides the crops the water they need to grow. Another aspect of the environment that helps people live here is the amount of biodiversity, or the variety of plant and animal life in a certain region.