My friends and I recently visited the Perhentian Islands of Terengganu.. Terengganu is on the east coast of Malaysia and is slightly larger than the U.S. state of Connecticut. While in Terengganu, I went snorkeling for the first time. You won't belieive what I saw: a clownfish! It was the first time I saw one since watching Finding Nemo, a movie about a clownfish trying to find his son. It released in theatres in 2003 when I was your age! I want to tell you all about it.
The clownfish is a small, bright orange fish with three white stripes around its body.
I felt shock, excitement and awe. I was shocked because I didn't expect to see a clownfish on my journey, excited because I was seeing a clownfish in person for the first time, and in awe because of how wonderful it was to observe these beautiful fish in their natural habitat.
Clownfish live in anemones, invertebrate sea creatures that look like flowers but are much more dangerous than flowers because of their venoumous tentacles. You can find clownfish in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and western Pacific Ocean. The clownfish I saw were in the western Pacific Ocean.