This is a cycle: if trash gets into the water, sea life is harmed; sea life being harmed affects the food supply of the people who eat them; and if the food supply is bad, people are forced to find alternative food sources that aren't always guaranteed.
This need is being met slowly but surely. The local government recently spent RM 5,000,000, or about $1,214,600, on trash compacters and another RM 3,000,000, or $728,760, to purchase garbage bins. I received mine recently, but there are still many villagers who don't have access to trash collection. There are also groups like Trash Hero Perlis that are working to make Perlis a better place. The mission of Trash Hero Perlis is to make Perlis a greener and cleaner state in Malaysia and to increase people's awareness about littering. Groups like Trash Hero Perlis help communities meet everyone's basic needs and save the world.