Starting off in Oxford, I quickly realized that the way everyone gets around is one of a kind. Everyone here is very independent in how they live their lives. This means that the way they get around can be different for each person, depending on where they need to go!
People often get around in Oxford by walking. They walking to the grocery store, to class, to a friend's flat (a British word for an apartment) and then walk some more, endlessly on and on! If they've got a further walk, people usually bike. I've considered getting myself a bike but when it gets cold out, I don't want to have to worry about it slipping on the ice. I'm also a little scared of biking on the wrong side of the road! Remember, in the U.K., people drive on the left side of the road!
Of course, there are still plenty of cars and buses around in the streets, but I haven't met a single person who owns a car here so I don't know what type of people drive them!
When I first started walking everywhere, I didn't mind it so much. Back home, where I go to school, I had to walk to class but here, I quickly realized that I wasn't used to walking everywhere. Anything I want to do, eat, or see, is at least 15 minutes away.