These buses are used daily to get people to different destinations within Granada. A one way trip only cost 1.20 euros. The second bus system in Granada is called Alsa, and these are the buses you use to travel to different cities, such as Madrid or Barcelona. It costs about 30 Euros to travel to Madrid. I have used both of the bus systems and it was pretty easy to figure out each.
There is no Uber in Granada. I wish there was! Instead, people use taxis. The taxi system is great here! Taxis run 24/7 and they do not cost an arm and a leg. There is even an app. you can use to request a taxi. I have not had the need to use a taxi in Granada yet since I walk a lot.
Another way to travel to nearby cities or over longer distances is by using an app called BlaBla Car. This app allows individual car owners to enter their travel plans. The driver can add his or her origin and destination, travel time and date, and details such as the driver's name and car model. On the other end, people use the app. to find rides from drivers with matching travel details. For example, a school teacher was planning to make a trip to Malaga (one hour away) on a Friday to visit her family. I also wanted to go to Malaga for the weekend. So on the app., I selected and confirmed to ride with her for a small fee. This app. is super useful. My host mom recommended that I go with girl drivers to be safe.
I will be using a new form of transportation in two weeks' time to get to Morocco, Africa. It will be a ferry. A boat to get from one country to another: how cool!