Bonsais of Barcelona: More than just Baby Trees!

They use their deep roots to extract water from underground, such as groundwater, aquifers, or even water stored in ravines or cracks in rocks. These strong roots also allow fig trees to grow in the most difficult terrains, such as the sides of rocky mountains!

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Luckily, fig trees are in the category of “least concern” on the conservation status list. This is a list that ranges from Least Concern, to Not Threatened, Threatened, Extinct in the Wild and Extinct. (You may have heard of a similar list used for endangered animals.)

However, even though we are not worried about the survival of the fig tree, there are still some things that can harm this plant. Specifically, because the fig tree likes dry soil, wetter climates can allow the growth of mold or fungus that can harm the plant, just like the mold or fungus that grows on old food! Also, the fig tree is vulnerable to cold weather. In some cities such as Boston or New York, the trees are sometimes wrapped in plastic “jackets” in the winter to keep them warm and help them survive in the snow!

Jardín Botánico
