This week has been mostly sunny. Compared to Omaha, where I am from, Madrid has pretty mild winters. It gets down to about 35 degrees in the coldest months: December and January. February is the most mild winter month, and is usually in the 50s or 60s.
The birds have started to come back to the city. An interesting bird that I see in Madrid that I didn't think would be here is the parakeet! Many small, green parrots live in the city. I also see many pigeons everyday. In Retiro Park I saw a peacock and a black swan as well.
I really liked seeing the black swan at Retiro. It was a bright red beak to contrast its black feathers.
It doesn't snow in Madrid, which is a little sad for me because I miss the snow! I went to Budapest a few weeks ago, and I got to see some snow there which was nice.