Marcela's Cozy Life in Ecuador

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak both the English and Spanish language. I know a little bit of the Korean language, too. “Hello” in my language is "Hola".

Do you have pets?:

Yes, I have three male dogs and one female dog. I only have the female dog living on my side of the house and her name is Corazón (meaning heart in Spanish). She has this name because I really love her as the only girl. The other dogs usually with my mom and the other is always outside for protection.

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

Yes, I’ve traveled to several places here in Ecuador such as Cuenca, Quito Ingapirca, Salinas, Puerto Lopez and Bucay. Traveling with you to Bucay and Puerto Lopez were my most recent trips.

What do you do for work?:

I teach the English language to children between ages six and ten at Benedict International Language Schools. We always have a lot of fun and I am always amazed at how fast children can learn. They can learn a new language faster than anyone.

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

I would recommend that they visit either Galapagos Islands or any city in the highlands. These places are so natural and beautiful and you will always find nice views and activities, especially the extreme sports in the mountains. When you come to Ecuador, don’t be upset if someone gives you a new nickname. It’s something that the people do just for fun or to show love. This place is filled with friendly people but you always have to be careful.
