It is 1,314 miles from Riga to Batumi, 161 miles from Batumi to Tbilisi, and less than five miles from Batumi to the Turkish border! All in all, I traveled roughly 3,000 miles this past week.
From Gray to Atlanta to Riga is 5,300 miles! In Latvia, I've been to Jurmala, Liepaja, Cesis, Sigulda, Daugavpils and Kraslava. Latvia isn't huge, but the miles of travel can still definitely add up! Then, of course, I've been traveling to Georgia... I'll have to see where I'm off to next and report back to you.
While traveling within the cities of Batumi and Tbilisi, I usually walked from place to place! The cities are very different from one another, as Batumi is more modern and Tbilisi is almost 1,500 years old, and they're also very different from anything else found in Europe or the U.S. To get from Batumi to Tbilisi and back, I took a train!