I am living in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, which is a state with major Mayan influences. Because of this, I am very accustomed to eating traditional Mayan dishes such as salbutes, panuchos and pib (a large tamale). These specific dishes are almost exclusively for sale in the southeast region of Mexico, where the Mayans were or continue to be present. In my travels to other parts of Mexico, I have tried many other dishes that are not available in Chetumal. For example, in Veracruz, where coffee is one of their biggest exports, I tried mole. Mole is made from coffee and is one of the most popular dishes in Mexico, but the flavors change depending on the region. In Veracruz, it is very sweet, but when I tried mole in Oaxaca, it was very spicy.
Although I have tried tons of different foods around Mexico, my favorite is a traditional Mayan dish that is specific to this region of the country.
I tried cochinita! It is a traditional Mayan pulled pork dish.
The first time that I tried cochinita, I was eating lunch at one of the food trucks at my university. I was working my way through the menu, and the cook recommended a cochinita torta to me. Because it takes so long to cook, it is only available on Mondays. When I took the first bite, I immediately ordered a second one because I loved it so much!