Meeting with Author Anibal Sanabria!

How do you get around?:

I travel through Asuncion and the country using my car. This is common for people who live here. We will buy a car or a motorcycle and use it for transportation around the city. Today, I drove to this coffee shop with my car. Having my vehicle is very useful for mobility and for being able to attend different meetings during the day.

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Since it is hot in Paraguay, I prefer to wear clothes that are not too warm. It can get to be over 100 degrees in the summer, so I avoid long sleeve shirts and wearing material that is very thick. White shirts are always good to wear since they reflect the sun and avoid making me sweat too much.

What do you like to do in your free time?:

In my free time, I enjoy participating in cultural events and working with the community. I was once the president of the Rotary Club, which also does work with the United States. One thing I enjoy doing is giving talks to the public, so that I can meet more people and help with workshops. Of course, I also enjoy reading the newspapers and books from other parts of the world.

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak Spanish and Guarani, which is the local language in Paraguay. Guarani is the language that many people in the countryside speak, and it sounds beautiful. It can be hard to pronounce for native English speakers, however.
