Meeting with Author Anibal Sanabria!

To say 'hello' in Spanish, you should say Hola. However, if you want to greet someone in Guarani, you normally say Mbaé'chepa, which means 'Hello' and also 'How are you?' To pronounce this, you would say My-a-sha-pa.

Do you have pets?:

I do not have any pets right now. It is not very common for people to have pet dogs in Paraguay. It is more common to have a pet cat, however. There are actually many stray cats on the street, too! You can see them when you are walking, and you will especially notice a lot of them when you find an abandoned lot of land. 

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

I have travelled all around the country, both in the city and the countryside. I have also travelled to nearby countries, but I have only lived in Paraguay. I have not lived outside of the country for an extended period of time. Examples of countries that I have been to include Argentina and Brazil. Both of these countries are very close to Paraguay. In fact, these countries share a border with this nation.  

What do you do for work?:

I am an author, and I write both books and poems. My books focus on writing short essays about the traditional Paraguayan experience. I enjoy adding humor to these pieces to make them funny and also truthful about my culture. My first book compiled many of my original articles that I had published in the newspaper. Writing poems is also something I love. I have a few books that are just poems. At the same time, I also own a publishing company that is located downtown, in El Centro, close to my house.
