Come on, vamanos!

My projects include teaching kids in schools about the environment, such as recycling, the water cycle, conserving water, climate change, pollution, plants and more! I also help the doctors and nurses at the health post, which is a small community clinic, educate the residents about the importance of boiling or chlorinating water so that it is safe to drink. I also work in many small towns around me, inspecting water systems and helping the communities make plans to improve their water systems (which includes training on how to disinfect their water system to prevent sickness). Many times, water tanks are filled with dust and algae, so it is important to get rid of these particles. 

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

I encourage you all to think about your daily life, like your usage of water and other important resources. Use your imagination to think about what other children your age are doing in other parts of the world to get access to water. In other countries, many people have to think about their water usage thoughtfully to ensure it is clean and safe to drink. Where does the water you drink come from? How do you know the water is clean? Who is in charge of making sure your water doesn't have bacteria? These are important questions to those living here in Peru. 
