In many parts of Peru, the weather is becoming unpredictable, and the rains can be even more uncertain. Farmers rely on the rain to grow crops, and many communities need the rain for drinking water. Recently, there have been periods of months with no rain, and then heavy, torrential storms that create flooding, damage homes and ruin crops.
The environment of Peru is very special, as the country has three very distinct regions. The coast, the mountains and the jungle. It can be hot and dry on the coast; pouring rain in the mountains; and humid in the jungle. Peru also falls along the line of moving tectonic plates, which can create earthquakes, many of which are on the coast of Peru and create a lot of destruction. We normally experience small earthquakes frequently without any harm, but, occasionally, there are very strong ones. We also have volcanoes that one day could potentially erupt!
For half of the year on the coast, we have many sunny days, creating a strong environment for food and crops to grow. The rains in the mountains help bring water to both the coast and the jungle in different rivers. This water is important because it helps crops in different regions grow and nourish.