Come on, vamanos!


I am an American living and working in Peru as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Let me walk you through what it is like being here!

What is your full name?:

My name is Jacquelyn Anne Scibior. 

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

I live in the town of Chincha Baja, on the southern coast of Peru. My house is made of concrete and brick. On the first floor, we have a small store where we sell school supplies and beauty products. My bedroom is on the second floor, and we have a small patio to hang our clothes to dry and for the dog to play. 

What is your family like?:

I currently live with a Peruvian family, consisting of two grandparents who are retired and enjoy their time relaxing at home. Also in the house lives their daughter, her husband, and their two children (who are 13 and 19). The daughter works as a lawyer for the women’s emergency center, helping women and youth who experience domestic violence and abuse. Her husband works for a company that exports fruits to the United States. Their 13-year-old daughter studies in middle school, while their other son is studying psychology at a local university here. 

How do you get around?:

There are many options for getting around where I live. My town is very flat, so I often ride my bicycle to the nearby beach.
