Sakura Season!

Cherry blossom trees also can be grown in farm lands, parks, and other places for viewing purposes. 

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Sakura trees have a variety of methods to survive based on the environment they're in! The blooming time is one of the many examples sakura trees utilize their environment in order to survive, blooming during the warmer part of the spring season to ensure that the flower blossoms aren't damaged by the cold temperature. Sakura also chooses to bloom at certain times and emit a sweet floral scent in order to attract local pollinators, such as bees, to ensure that the tree can produce fruit and seeds for the next season to ensure the survival of sakurtrees! Sakura trees also have deep root systems, digging deep into the ground below to find and absorb enough nutrients and water to survive, allowing them to flourish amongst the other plants in the area. Overall, sakura trees utilize a variety of different methods to survive in its environment!

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Climate change and global warming are major reasons why cherry blossom variations can be negatively affected. For example, this year's sakura season was constantly delayed due to the cold weather and constant temperature changes from hot to cold, thus causing the cherry blossoms to bloom later than usual this year!
