The main language is Mongolian, but people speak Kazakh, Russian, and English as well.
The currency is the tugrik (MNT). 1 USD is 2,559 MNT.
Usually between 1,000 and 2,000 tugrik.
My favorite meal this week was the big dish of pasta I ate when I got back from horseback riding. I was so sore and tired, and eating a bowl full of pumpkin gnocchi was just what I needed!
This week I listened to a lot of jazz, including songs by Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, and Louis Armstrong.
My favorite activity this week was horseback riding! We rode for two and a half hours through the countryside. It was a good thing I had dressed in many warm layers, because it was incredibly cold. My horse was quite spirited, and always wanted to be at the front of the pack.