The Flavors of La Rioja

I am so glad that I took the risk and tried something new because I discovered a brand new, mouth-watering food that I really enjoy!

How is the food prepared?:

The champiñones are rapidly prepared in large quantities on a grill. The cooks move quickly as they line the mushrooms and shrimp on the grill and squirt melted butter on them. Next, they slather them in garlic with what looks like a giant paint brush. Once the mushrooms and shrimp are finished cooking, the cooks put them on a skewer, which is like a long toothpick and stacks the skewer on top of a slice of thick bread. It looks like a little mushroom tower with a shrimp flag on top. 

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Champiñones is a specialty dish in La Rioja. It is a food uniquely found in this region, and people are proud and excited to share it with others. Some of my Spanish friends took me to have champiñones because they knew that I would think they were delicious. They were right! Champiñones is such a popular dish in Logroño that there is even a giant mural of them on the side of a building! Do you think you would try champiñones? I hope so!

Logroño Spain
