The Flavors of La Rioja


Here in La Rioja, meals and meriendas (snacks) are relaxing, social times during the day where people sit, have conversations and enjoy tasty food together. People especially gather to enjoy tapas, which are like appetizers in the United States. Tapas include a variety of foods in small portions. It is normal to order several tapas at a restaurant, so you can try a few different dishes. Today, I am going to share my favorite tapa with you!

What food did I try?:

In the center of Logroño, there is a street called Calle Laurel that is lined with lively, unique restaurants. Some of the most delicious food in Logroño can be found at restaurants on Calle Laurel. There is one restaurant called Bar Ángel that serves a tapa called champiñones, or champis for short, which is a skewer of grilled mushrooms and shrimp smothered in butter and garlic, sitting on top of a slice of a baguette. It is served hot off the grill, and the flavorful garlic and warm butter awaken all of your senses! 

How did I feel when I tried it?:

When I first tried champiñones, I was actually amazed at how delicious it was! I usually don't care for mushrooms or shrimp. However, I knew that this was a popular dish, so I wanted to be adventurous and try it.
