Even though Tania Romero was born in Brazil, she visited the United States when she was 17 years old as an exchange student at a high school in Vermont! Now, almost half a century later, she invited Americans to stay at the University of Lavras because she is still very interested in multicultural learning between different countries.
Tania Regina de Souza Romero.
Tania lives in a condominium house in a community of professors outside of the university. Every room is filled with pictures and items from her travels around the world. There are also banana trees and passion fruit plants in her backyard! Lizards, birds and many insects live in many of the plants in her backyard.
Tania comes from a family with many brothers and sisters. She has been married to her husband Marco for many years, and they live happily together with their puppy, Julie.
Tania usually gets around Minas Gerais by driving her car. However, in Lavras, she also likes walking around to say hello to all of the local people.