The main languages spoken in Dakar are French and Wolof. People in the city may know or understand English, but it is not commonly spoken.
The West African CFA franc, mostly referred to as CFA, is the currency in Senegal. One US dollar (USD) is equal to about 605 CFAs.
Water in Dakar costs about 420 CFA, which equates to $0.70 in USD.
Sengal has a restaurant, Phare des Mamelles, that is known as the lighthouse restuarant. It is one of the world's great lighthouses because it helps guide ships around the western tip of Africa. I had steak, potatoes and carrots at the restatuant. This is not a traditional Senegalese meal, but it was one of the best steaks ever. I also had a lot of fish and rice, which is what most Senegalese people eat on a daily basis.
If you all remember, I told you that I had two favorite artists: Usher and Beyonce. Luckily for me, Beyonce released a new album recently. It is called Cowboy Carter and I have listened to it nonstop since it came out at the end of March.